Diversity and women-founded businesses

Oct 17, 2022

As a woman-owned translation company for 10 years, SumaLatam has obtained a women-owned business certification from WEConnect International, an organization that connects buyers to women-owned sellers. The certification recognizes women-owned businesses and aims to improve the economic potential of these businesses.

The world is changing and so are people’s demands. The need for translation services is growing and, with it, the demand for female leaders has also increased. Women Owned is an initiative to raise awareness and economic support for businesses that are owned by women. With the WBE certification, we’re part of the Woman Owned initiative.

A study done by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2016 found that women made up less than one-third of all translators worldwide. This disparity can be attributed to many reasons, such as lack of access to education; cultural barriers; and gender discrimination.

This article will explore the importance of having a woman-owned and woman-led company providing translation services to companies worldwide.

The Need for a Woman-Owned and Woman-Led Company

Women are an important part of the workforce in today’s society. Women are not only half the population, but they also make up more than 50% of the workforce. In addition to this, women are more educated than their male counterparts. With all these facts, it is clear that women should be in positions of power and leadership to represent their population size and education levels. One major problem is that there are not enough woman-owned and women-led companies due to biases against women in business or because they lack access to capital or networks.

Why is female representation in leadership positions important?

The number of women in leadership positions is important because it shows that there are opportunities for women to succeed and be seen as leaders. It is also important because when more women are at the top, they can create a better environment for other women to succeed in their careers.

Sumalatam’s professional translation services are available for clients world-wide, and receiving the recognition by WEConnect and the WBENC further supports our mission and vision as a woman-owned business. As a language services company, we’re honored to be a part of such important work to help empower women business leaders.

A Brief Introduction to the Importance of Women in the Translation Industry

There is a long history of women in the translation and interpreting industry. From the Ancient Greeks to modern-day translators, women have always played an important role in this industry.

In Ancient Greece, some female translators translated texts from Greek to Latin and vice versa. These translators often educated women who could read and write in both languages fluently. They would translate texts for scholars, politicians, and other influential figures of the time. Importantly, they also translated major works of literature like Plato’s Symposium and Xenophon’s Cyropaedia.

Women also played a significant role during World War II as interpreters for Allied forces during the D-Day invasion of Normandy on June 6th, 1944. Female interpreters had to help with communications.

The Hidden Truths Behind Female-Owned Businesses in the Translation Industry

Many people believe that female-owned businesses are constantly being overlooked in the translation industry. While this is true to some extent, it is not always the case.

The translation industry has been traditionally dominated by men, but many female translators have made their mark in the industry.

However, women-led businesses face specific difficulties in accessing the market and sources of financing.

Women also have less access to credit sources to consolidate or increase their activities and sales.

Conclusion: Why is it important to promote women business owner leaders?

Including gender inclusion policies in leadership positions and providing greater benefits to women entrepreneurs are beneficial to the business value chain.

Women business owner leaders are important because they can be role models for other women in leadership positions, as well as provide a different perspective on how we view leadership.

They also have a lot of great ideas when it comes to policy changes that need to happen to make it easier for more women to start their businesses.

SumaLatam is women owned and we believe in the enriching power of diversity that promotes innovation, opens doors, and creates partnerships that fuel the economy.

About SumaLatam (www.sumalatam.com)

SumaLatam is a woman-owned translation company and multilingual content-related services provider specializing in customized language solutions for a wide range of clients across different industries. With decades of experience, we provide comprehensive language solutions, no matter how complex or simple the needs may be. Able to manage multiple language combinations with different formats and components, our clients benefit from a finished product tailored to their specific needs, all while being able to leverage their existing processes and resources.

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