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Do you use machine translation (MT)?

Commonsense Advisory conducted a research study among 31,933 Consumers and 6,703 Business users in 29 countries, and published the following results:

  • 65% prefer content in their own language
  • 73% want product reviews in their own language
  • 40% won’t buy in another language

Billions of people don’t read English at all or well enough to make buying decisions. Website translation has become essential for a company’s success in our globalized economy.In addition, if you translate your content and keywords, it multiplies your chances of ranking among the first search results.

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” – Nelson Mandela

What languages do you translate?

While we specialize in Latin American languages, we frequently translate documents into many other languages with native, experienced, industry-specifi­c translators.  Our language offering includes Arabic, Armenian, Azeri, Belorussian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dari, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi, Filipino, Finnish, French,Georgian, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Nepali, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese. Please, ask about other language combinations.

What is a “sworn translator” and do you have any available?

A sworn translator is a translator who has been certified by their local Board of Translators, or the government and can directly stamp their translations as accurate and faithful to the original document. The system in each country works differently and we can provide translations certified by the Board of Translators of the Province of Cordoba, Argentina.

How can I get a quote?

A sworn translator is a translator who has been certified by their local Board of Translators, or the government and can directly stamp their translations as accurate and faithful to the original document. The system in each country works differently and we can provide translations certified by the Board of Translators of the Province of Cordoba, Argentina.

Who translates my content?

We only assign translations to native speakers of the target language with industry and subject matter expertise.Our linguists go through a selection process where they have to meet certain criteria regarding credentials, years of experience, knowledge of tools, excellent recommendations from other clients, and more. Then, they go through an evaluation process and their work continues to be assessed after they have become part of the team.

Do you have an in-house team of translators?

Some of them are, and that allows for quick turnaround times for urgent requests. However, in order to offer more language combinations and industry-specific expertise, we rely on our vetted pool of linguists around the world.

Does the translation need to be proofread?

SumaLatam is an ISO 9001 certified company. This means that quality is safeguarded. We adhere to the “four-eye principle” and translations are always checked by a second professional reviewer. If the translation is for internal use and reference purposes only (i.e. not to be published, distributed or used in a court of law), or you simply do not wish to have proofreading, we can remove the editing stage.

Is there any chance of a discount?

Once we have analyzed the file we will let you know if there is room for any discounts based on repetitions (repeated words) and, if you are a regular client, matches with previous translations. If you get a lower estimate, please let us know and we will see if there is room to adjust the price without jeopardizing quality.

Can you arrange an interpreter for a meeting or conference?

At present, we do not offer interpreting services but we may be able to point you in the right direction.

What do you mean by typesetting or DTP?

When we talk about typesetting (or Desktop Publishing), we are referring to the formatting of the translated text in the target document so that it has the same style and layout as the original. Typesetting is usually carried out in page layout software such as Adobe InDesign or QuarkXPress, but we can also typeset in other packages such as MS Word, MS Publisher or PowerPoint. Translations can cause the text to expand by as much as 30%, so experts are needed to make sure the text fits back into the original layout without losing the design style of the original. We have typesetting specialists who can make your translated documents look as close to the original as possible in any language.

What are the benefits of your services and how is SumaLatam different from others in the market?

The fact that we truly team up with our clients’ teams is what sets us apart from the rest. We learn about the client, their organization, their industry, and make sure that we analyze their needs thoroughly in order to come up with the best solution. We make their lives easier.
We specialize in providing customized language solutions to a wide range of clients in different industries. At SumaLatam, we are not attached to a particular tool, process, or system. Instead, we adapt to our client’s requirements and they benefit from a finished product tailored to their specific needs. Our project management staff is available for receiving new requests, answering queries or providing advice during all client operation hours. We have an in-house team available for completing urgent requests, so that they can be delivered as soon as possible.

What is your firm’s quality philosophy?

Do it right the first time. With a dedicated team, strong quality leadership from top management and continuous improvement.

How will you ensure we receive best-in-class quality? What steps will you take starting on day one?

1) Carrying out a translator/editor selection process to put together a team of experts in the subject matter. 2) Training the team on your requirements, stylistic preferences and LQA procedures of your projects. 3) Evaluating the quality of all translations by means of qualified senior editors. 4) Applying automated QA verification steps by means of specialized software such as Xbench, QA distiller, Checkmate, and other QA tools that are embedded in certain applications.

Are you HIPAA compliant?

Yes, we are and we have just renewed the Security and Awareness training certificates.

I have a birth certificate/diploma/document that I have to submit in a foreign institution/government. Do I need an apostille on it?

Ideally, you should ask the organization requesting the document. If this isn’t possible, we recommend that you do it on the original document or certified copy so as to make sure the document will be valid in any country that adheres to the Hague Convention.

Where do I get an Apostille?

Usually the local Board of Notaries Public will give you all the necessary information.

Are there any further steps once the translation is printed, signed and sealed by the translator?

Yes, you should go to the Board of Translators where the signing translator is registered and have the document legalized.

How long does a translation take?

That will depend on the length, format and complexity. A standard birth certificate, for instance may take up to 2 working days while a longer document may take a week or more.

Do I need to legalize my translation?

Translations of official or public documents will require a legalization.

How is translation cost calculated?

Words are the most common unit when estimating a translation job. Based on the word count, the final estimate may vary if other tasks such as formatting are requested.

I have to translate documents with confidential and/or sensitive information. How can you guarantee it will not be disclosed?

At SumaLatam, every project is considered confidential. Every team member signs an agreement where it is clearly stated that they may not share or talk about our clients’ projects. Our file-transfer system automatically encrypts every file that is uploaded to secure Data.

Do you offer monolingual revision?

Yes we do. Our linguists will review content in their native languages to make sure that it is not only grammatically correct but also that it sounds natural for the specific locale.